Tuesday, 23 October 2012

New Front Doors

The heart of my centre.

This is a sentence I used today, when trying to describe my thoughts and plans for Liberty's. I realised it has a great deal of meaning. The heart of my future centre will inevitably be the actual heart of my own centre. My own centre of ideas, thoughts, plans, and inspiration. The very central concept of the project will be based upon foundations of my own experiences and interests.

The only problem is - how on Earth do I explain all of this, or begin to document my plans in a format that anyone might understand or relate to, within this blog? Even to make sense to myself?

And so, after many conversations with some very important people in the last few days, I have come up with an infrastructure for my writing.

I will write each entry based around an idea, or a specific room or studio of Liberty's. A front door to each idea. In this way, I will visit each room of my centre, and explore a story, experience, or idea of my own within each chapter. Think of it like an advent calendar! 

Hopefully, this will help me match up a future idea, with what is happening in my own, current life. The life that's happening right now!

Any ideas, feel free to contribute! All my ideas are ever changing - join in...



  1. Good idea Miss Helen. Why don't you introduce the world to who you are and where you are as well? :) XXX

    1. Done! Have a peek! Also spent forever this evening make my page all snazzy - worked out how to customise the design, eventually! Thoughts & Thinking? XX

  2. A very good start to a journey to the life You deserve XX

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. From Sam Manicom's excellent travel book, "Tortillas to Totems"

      "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever"

      Mahatma Ghandi.

  4. This is coming along nicely, looking forward to seeing You next week !
