Thursday, 24 October 2013

Birthdays & Blinding Light Ideas - Happy 1st Birthday!

Today is the 24th of October. It is exactly one year since I published my very first blog entry, and began to wander down the literary path of ‘Journey to Liberty’s'. I can barely believe this fact. It sits with me at rather a peculiar angle. The year has flown by, as so many seem to. Much has occurred in life since that first hesitant moment of loading the debut publication page and thus I can barely comprehend that it has in fact only been a total of twelve months since that moment. Quite a journey, fittingly.

When I began writing this blog I was just halfway through my 7 month Moroccan dancing contract in Marrakech. The idea of Liberty’s was just starting to formulate, with distinct Bambi legs to it and a tentatively sketchy appearance. I knew what I wanted to head towards, and decided that writing my plans and ideas down in a published format would be a positive strategy to develop the concept forward whilst at the same time practicing my writing work in line with my personal ambitions. When I first began, I had no idea anyone would actually read it. I could never have envisaged the immense amount of support and interest I have continued to be so fortunate to have had from the beginning days. With every entry, I have been overwhelmed by the beautiful responses and positivity that people from all walks of life have offered in response to the concept of Liberty’s and towards my writing work. With each post I have taken great pleasure in being inspired by thought provoking reflections and responses from readers of it. For this, I cannot thank-you all enough.

Someone asked me today why I write. It made me pause to reflect on why it is I do write. Not just because it was a question I wasn't really expecting, but because currently I'm working on a promo tour around Scotland with the Scooby-Doo movie. Rather a surreal situation to be asked such a thing!

But it did provoke thought to wonder whether or not my motivations are evident in all that I do. My answer 'out loud' to this new colleague of mine was that I have always written in some way since I was a child, whether it was stories, poems, or letters to pen pals. I told him that writing for me now, as an adult, is a form of self expression that has the potential to communicate my ideas in diverse modes than dancing always can. These are true statements, absolutely. However, his question resonated within me past that moment, well after check in time at the hotel I stayed at that evening.

Do I express myself? Am I free to? Have I been doing so as effectively as I always hope to? I started writing this blog partly as a way to practice my writing in preparation for potentially writing a book, but mainly to encourage myself to push deeper within my artistic potential and philosophical beliefs - to see what lay there. I had reached a stage in life where I was beginning to look closer at the details around me, and wanted to see what writing could do to help me come to some more conclusions than I was finding without doing so. A typed sketchbook of ideas and reflections, to be opened up to the world for their consideration, response and input in whatever form. It was one of the best decisions I have made to date.

In every moment that I find ‘that’ overwhelming, blood arresting, dizzy moment of inspiration or where I burst through to a new idea as I type, I am truly alive. And for every moment that someone gives to me in spending collections of minutes reading what I have written, I am elatedly grateful, as such. More than I could ever imagine possible.

And so – ‘Happy 1st Birthday’ readers. Thank-you for being around long enough to reach Liberty’s 1st birthday with me. An eventful first year, as drawn out in each chapter. A year of dancing, injuries, sketching, study, travel abroad, teaching, French language, new and lifelong friends, connections, adventures and many, many, many notebooks. Thank-you for joining the concept, and journeying with it. Thank-you.

I will leave my post here for now. But I will share with you that there is a very new and altogether very exciting next chapter just around the corner. My heart beats solidly as I consider it, and I look forward to sharing it with you. 

For now – Happy Birthday! 

To the journey...

Helen Victoria.